There will be a number of people who are involved in building or using CLARIN resources at the annual conference of the Digital Humanities, to be held 11-16 July 2016 in Kraków. Below is a snapshot of some of the workshops and papers with which they are involved.
- Audiovisual Data And Digital Scholarship: Towards Multimodal Literacy, Tuesday, 12th July 2016: 9:30am - 4:00pm
- RDA/ADHO Workshop: Evaluating Research Data Infrastructure Components and Engaging in their Development,
Tuesday, 12th July 2016: 9:30am - 4:00pm - Where Close and Distant Readings Meet: Text Clustering Methods in Literary Analysis of Weblog Genres,
Maciej Maryl, Maciej Piasecki, Ksenia Młynarczyk
Papers and Posters
- correspSearch - A Web Service to Connect Diverse Scholarly Editions of Letters, Stefan Dumont, Wednesday 12:00, MASB (C12)
- Taalportaal: A New Tool For Linguistic Research, Ton van der Wouden, Wednesday 12:30, MASB (C12)
- REDEN ONLINE: Disambiguation, linking and visualisation of references in TEI digital editions
, Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Wednesday 15:30, MADB (A12) - When DH Meets Law: Problems, Solutions, Perspectives, Andreas Witt, Paweł Kamocki, Thursday 9:30, MSK (C22)
- Topical Diversification Over Time In The Royal Society Corpus, Peter Fankhauser, Jörg Knappen, Elke Teich, Thursday 9:30, MSS (A51)
- Linguistic Variation In The Hebrew Bible: Digging Deeper Than The Word Level, Martijn Naaijer, Dirk Roorda, Thursday 14:30, MSWB (A62)
- Bringing Migration Data Into Context Using Digital Computational Methods, Ronald Haentjens Dekker, Rik Hoekstra, Marijke van Faassen, Friday 12:00, MSK (B93)
- Digital Folkloristics: the Use of Computational Methods in Revealing the Characteristics of Folkloric Communication, Mari Sarv, Liisi Laineste, Greta Franzini, Emily Franzini, Kati Kallio, Risto Järv, Friday 14:30, CC (B94)
- Digitale Tools und Methoden für die geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung praxisnah erklärt: Ein neues Format im Test, Tanja Wissik, Claudia Resch, Friday 14:30, MSS (D23)
- Flexible Community-driven Metadata with the Component Metadata Infrastructure, Menzo Windhouwer, Twan Goosen, Jozef Misutka, Dieter Van Uytvanck, Daan Broeder, Friday 15:30, MASA (C17)
- WebSty – an Open Web-based System for Exploring Stylometric Structures in Document Collections
, Maciej Piasecki, Tomasz Walkowiak, Maciej Eder, Poster Booth 041 - Diachronic Semantic Lexicon of Dutch (Diachroon semantisch lexicon van de Nederlandse Taal; DiaMaNT), Katrien A. C. Depuydt, Poster Booth 056
- Discursive Constructions Of Culture: A Semantic Model For Historical Travel Guides, Ulrike Czeitschner, Poster Booth 059
- 1 Million Dutch Newspaper Images available for researchers: The KBK-1M Dataset, Martijn Kleppe, Elliott Desmond, Poster Booth 066
- The Royal Society Corpus: Towards a high-quality corpus for studying diachronic variation in scientific writing, Hannah Kermes, Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb, Ashraf Khamis, Jörg Knappen, Elke Teich, Poster Booth 010
- eComparatio - Editionsvergleich, Charlotte Schubert, Friedrich Meins, Oliver Bräckel, Hannes Kahl, Poster Booth 005
- Interoperability: a new horizon for data sharing in Humanities and Social Sciences. The input of three digital services developed by Huma-Num, , Olivier Baude, Adeline Joffres, Nicolas Larrousse, Stéphane Pouyllau, Poster Booth 133
- Digital Resources and Research Data in the Digital Humanities: The Digital Knowledge Store at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Marco Jürgens, Sascha Grabsch, Poster Booth 129