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NEW Video recordings from the 7th CLARIN Annual Conference, Pisa 2018

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The video recordings from the from the 7th CLARIN Annual Conference in Pisa are now published on the Videolectures platform

The CLARIN Annual Conference is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the humanties and social sciences. This event in 2018 was organized by CLARIN ERIC in collaboration with the Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC) that is part of the Department of Social Science and Humanities, Cultural Heritage (DSU) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

The conference took place in Pisa, Italy from Monday, 8 October to Wednesday, 10 October 2018. 


Invited talks

CLAMS: Computational Linguistic Applications for Multimedia Services Image Archival Data  |  James Pustejovsky

Speech and gestures: computational linguistic studies  |  Costanza Navarretta


CLARIN from different angle

Presentation by CLARIN Italy  |  Monica Monachini

State of the Technical Infrastructure  |  Dieter van Uytvanck


Thematic session: Multimedia, Multimodality, Speech

EXMARaLDA meets WebAnno  |  Hanna Hedeland

Human-human, human-machine communication: on the HuComTech multimodal corpus  |  Laszlo Hunyadi

Oral History and Linguistic Analysis. A Study in Digital and Contemporary European History  |  Florentina Armaselu

The Acorformed Coprus: Investigating Multimodality in Human-Human and Human-Virtual Patient Interactions  |  Magalie Ochs

Media Suite: Unlocking Archives for Mixed Media Scholarly Research  |  Roeland Ordelman


Parallel session: CLARIN in Relation to Other Infrastructures and Projects

Using Linked Data Techniques for Creating an IsiXhosa Lexical Resource - a Collaborative Approach  |  Thomas Eckart

A Platform for Language Teaching and Research (PLT&R)  |  Maria Stambolieva

Curating and Analyzing Oral History Collections  |  Cord Pagenstecher


Parallel session: CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure, Legal Issues and Dissemination

New exceptions for Text and Data Mining and their possible impact on the CLARIN infrastructure  |  Erik Ketzan

Processing personal data without the consent of the data subject for the development and use of language resources  |  Penny Labropoulou, Aleksei Kelli

Toward a CLARIN Data Protection Code of Conduct  |  Erik Ketzan


Parallel session: Use of the CLARIN infrastructure

From Language Learning Platform to Infrastructure for Research on Language Learning  |  David Alfter

Bulgarian Language Technology for Digital Humanities: a focus on the Culture of Giving for Education  |  Petya Osenova

Multilayer Corpus and Toolchain for Full-Stack NLU in Latvian  |  Artūrs Znotiņš

(Re-)Constructing “public debates” with CLARIAH MediaSuite tools in print and audiovisual media  |  Berrie van der Molen

Can the Computer, and the Public, do the Metadata Work?  |  Karen Cariani


Parallel session: Design and construction of the CLARIN infrastructure

Discovering software resources in CLARIN  |  Jan Odijk

Towards a protocol for the curation and dissemination of vulnerable people archives  |  Silvia Calamai

Versioning with Persistent Identifiers  |  Martin Matthiesen

Interoperability of Second Language Resources and Tools  |  Elena Volodina

Tweak Your CMDI Forms to the Max  |  Rob Zeeman


Poster presentations

PhD students: poster slam

Poster slam