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The HUN-CLARIN Roadshow in Debrecen

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

Blog post written by Réka Dodé (User Involvement representative of HUN-CLARIN)

The workshop on Use of Corpora, Language Technology Tools and Data Driven Methods in Human Sciences took place on 7th February 2019 at The Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen in Debrecen Hungary organised by the coordinator of the Hungarian CLARIN together with the Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen. This was the second HUN-CLARIN Roadshow in Debrecen which aimed to promote the use of software tools (corpora, query tools, analytical software, etc.) and data driven methods among students, teachers and researchers in the field of linguistics and humanities and social sciences. The presenters were from the Research Group for Language Technology of the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and from The University of Debrecen Faculty of Humanities. The lectures were in Hungarian.

The audience of about 25 people included was researchers in the field of linguistics and students from different field of humanities and social sciences.

After a brief introduction of Clarin and Hunclarin by Tamás Váradi the first part of the programme was devoted to the corpora and tools of the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, namely Hungarian National Corpus, Hungarian Generative Diachronic Syntax and the e-magyar toolchain. The talks were informative and clear even for those who are not familiar with language technology. The second part of the event was dedicated to local contributions. Two major local projects were presented. The Hungarian LFG project presented the HunGram 2.1 and the HG-2 Treebank. This was followed by an introductory review of the HuComTech multimodal corpus developed at Debrecen University.

The last two talks presented two exciting research; one was about the attitudes of Hungarian preschoolers to the dialectic phonological variation; the other was word cloud and ontology. All presentations are available on the website of the event.