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Helsinki Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies Hack­a­thon #DH­H19 | 15.-24.5.2019

Submitted by Jakob Lenardič on

Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DH­H19 gathered students and researchers of humanities, social sciences, and computer science in May at the University of Helsinki. During a week and a half of intensive multi-disciplinary work, the groups applied digital methods to a variety of datasets, with the goal of solving research questions in the following themes:

  • The Many Voices of European Par­lia­ment­ary De­bates
  • Genre and Style in Early Mod­ern Pub­lic­a­tions
  • Brexit in Transna­tional So­cial Me­dia
  • News­pa­pers and Cap­it­al­ism

This year, the event was organized as an international summer school sponsored by CLARIN – European research infrastructure for language resources and technology, and DARIAH – digital infrastructure for arts and humanities, attracting participants from 14 different countries.

“DHH is a concept that we have been developing for more than 5 years. Last year we mixed international students with local University of Helsinki and Aalto students for the first time. We were quite curious how this will work out because not only are we attempting a project course that is truly multidisciplinary but also international. This year we proved that the idea of going international was fruitful. In 2019 we had 4 excellent groups with interesting results. We are also grateful to CLARIN and DARIAH for making this possible. See you next year!”, comments Mikko Tolonen, one of the organizers of the Digital Humanities Hackathon.

Read the blogs of the Hackathon groups:

More information about DHH19, including the groups’ final presentations – video recording, slides, and posters: