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CLARIN Workshop DELAD: Database Enterprise for Language And speech Disorders

Submitted by Linda Stokman on


DELAD (which means SHARED in Swedish) is an initiative to establish a digital archive of disordered speech and share this with interested researchers.

Ball & Müller organised two workshops in Linköping, Sweden, in 2015 and 2016, in which available resources and issues related to accessibility were inventorised. These workshops resulted in the DELAD initiative. From these workshops it was concluded that (1) only a minority of existing Corpora of Disordered Speech (CDS) can be made accessible due to privacy constraints, (2) we now have the knowhow to collect new CDS that can be shared according to FAIR principles , and (3) the CLARIN infrastructure is indispensable for this purpose.

In CLARIN context, a first workshop was organized in Cork, November 2017, to set-up a plan to collect existing and new CDS and to include these in the CLARIN infrastructure. The report and videos of this first workshop are available on the CLARIN website.

The second workshop ( a CLARIN ​Type II workshop) took place in Utrecht on 28-30 January 2019. The goal of this workshop was to review the status of the actions set out in the first workshop, exchange deeper insights on ethical and legal aspects (including IPR) of CDS collection against the background of the GDPR, and come up with a plan for primary special needs for the CLARIN infrastructure to host CDS, and a feasible plan to spend 3 PM ICT developer time on this infrastructure. Read the full report