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CLARIN strongly present at LREC 2016

Submitted by Sebastian Drude on

Last week saw the 2016 edition of a prominent event in CLARIN’s field, the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). The three days of the main conference saw more than 750 contributions, most in the form of posters, some during the usually four parallel sessions with oral talks, besides invited and key-note talks; and there were three days of almost 40 pre and post-conference workshops, some of which are important events in their own right for their respective sub-communities.

Perhaps even more than in previous years, CLARIN had a strong presence at this year’s LREC. Seven workshops were co-organized by our members, and there were more than 40 accepted contributions by people involved in CLARIN who reported on research done using or contributing to CLARIN; most of them were collected on this webpage. Many more contributions either involved CLARIN people but did not report on activities directly related to CLARIN, or were done by people not involved in CLARIN who were reporting on research involving CLARIN resources and tools. Several well-known representatives of national consortia and CLARIN committees and bodies were chairing sessions on their field of special expertise.

We were also present with a booth at the “HLT Projects Village” on the ground floor of the venue, which was well visited by and very visible for all conference participants. It provided an opportunity for establishing new contacts with researchers and countries as well as for CLARIN members to meet their colleagues. CLARIN thanks all who participated in staffing the booth during the three days of the conference.

The group picture of (by far not all) CLARIN members present at LREC gives an impression of our lively contribution to this very successful conference.