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Centre news vol. 56 - February 2023

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Upcoming assessment deadline

The deadline for the upcoming B-centre assessment round is 21 April 2023.

Please note there are a few novelties:

  • The updated CoreTrustSeal 2023-2025 is to be used. 
  • The CoreTrustSeal's updated AMT platform for submission has been launched earlier this week. Already ongoing assessments should also be handled through it too.
  • The latest version of the B-centre checklist (4.7) must be used. The difference with the previous version is the addition of two (optional) recommendations at the end of the document, on the use of the attribute checker and attribute aggregator.

SPF extended with Switzerland

Switzerland has joined CLARIN as of January 2023. Therefore all Swiss identity providers have been added to the CLARIN Service Provider Federation. Researchers from Switzerland can now use their institutional credentials to access password-protected CLARIN services.

New CLARIN Identity Provider release

Today's upgrade of the CLARIN Identity Provider went well. Besides a faster user interface there are no functional changes for CLARIN account users.

New Switchboard release

We have released a new version of the Switchboard (2.4.2). This is mostly a maintenance version which addresses some dependency vulnerabilities and updates core packages. We are also introducing an experimental preflight API call, which aims to provide a fast mechanism to ask the Switchboard how many tools match a certain resource, without having to load the full Switchboard page or popup. 

DH Course Registry November 2022 release

Please see the release notes for the details.

Matomo upgrades

The CLARIN matomo instance has been upgraded to 4.13.3, see the changelogs for details.

FCS questionnaire

If you are running a Federated Content Search endpoint, you are kindly invited to fill in this questionnaire that will help to get a better overview of plans with regards to supporting version 2 of the protocol.

Scheduled Maintenance

More information on reporting planned maintenance intervals