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Centre news vol. 55 - September 2022

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Upcoming assessment deadline

The deadline for the upcoming B-centre assessment round is 31 October 2022.

The report of round 18 is now available.

New B-centre

The CLARIN:EL National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies in Greece has successfully concluded the CLARIN B-centre assessment. Congratulations!

New CoreTrustSeal requirements as of 2023

The CoreTrustSeal assessment, which is a prerequisite for B-centre certification, is transitioning to a new version: from the current (2020-2022) requirements to the 2023-2025 version. On 31 October the submission system will close for an upgrade, until early 2023.

More details about these versions, including a Changelog, are available at the website.

Please note that this transition fits nicely with the B-centre assessment rounds: centres can participate in the upcoming round by 31 October (using the CTS requirements 2020-2022) or in the round afterwards (in spring 2023, using the 2023-2025 CTS requirements).

Centre Meeting 2022 presentations

The slides of the 2022 Centre Meeting have been published on the event page.