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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

Centre news vol. 48 - March 2020

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Centre Meeting 2020: adjusted programme

Many potential participants indicated that they are unable to travel due to local regulations to counter Covid-19. Therefore we agreed to adjust the programme of this year's meeting – you can find the new agenda at:


The main changes are that we are cancelling the second day of the meeting, and providing the option to join remotely via Zoom on the first day (31 March). You also remain welcome in Utrecht, to join in person.


In any case (also when joining remotely), please make sure to register so that we can prepare the meeting in good order.


New CTS requirements

The CoreTrustSeal version 2020-2022 has been launched. The amount of changes is limited, and there will be a presentation on this topic at the Centre Meeting.

New C-centres

Two newly registered CLARIN centres are now officially providing metadata:

The language resource metadata for the language resources from respectively Latvia and Belarus can be found in the Virtual Language Observatory.



Maintenance announcements



Start date and time (CET)

End (CET)



VLO maintenance

2020-03-12 14:00

2020-03-12 14:30

Unavailability of service at


More information: see