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Centre news vol. 47 - February 2020

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

New C-centre: Lund University Humanities Lab

The Lund University Humanities Lab is now registered as an official CLARIN C-centre. The corresponding metadata can be found in the Virtual Language Observatory.

Language Resource Switchboard

  • The Deutsches Textarchiv now includes links to the Switchboard.

  • The documentation on how to register a tool in the Switchboard has been updated to reflect the improved tool metadata organisation.

Virtual Language Observatory 4.8

A new version of the VLO has been released. Various improvements have been made to the way resources and other links present in the metadata are presented and can be interacted with. Furthermore, a ‘creator’ field is now displayed for all records containing such information. See the change log for a more complete list of changes.

We highly appreciate vlo [at] (any feedback) on this new version and the in general!

CLARIN Service Provider Federation

Removal of Belgian identity providers from the SPF

As of 30 March 2020, all Belgian Identity Providers will be removed from the CLARIN Service Provider Federation, due to the terminated CLARIN membership of the Dutch Language Union. Service Providers that want to keep providing access to Belgian researchers can choose to connect to the eduGAIN feed and discovery service as described in the previous issue.

Improved metadata repository for Service Providers on Github

The metadata repository used by the service provider operators to submit the SAML the CLARIN service providers, has undergone some changes aiming at improving the intelligibility of the submission process and streamlining the workflow from submission to publishing.

For the service provider operators the general workflow to submit changes remains the same, though the process is now more interactive and the feedback automatically provided by the system is easier to browse and understand.

See this post for a complete list of changes.

New signing certificate for CLARIN SPF feeds

From the 10th of February the CLARIN Service Provider Federation started using a new certificate to sign all metadata feeds of the CLARIN SPF. This change was necessary since the old certificate expired. The new public certificate can be found on our website.

Centre Meeting 2020

This year's Centre Meeting will take on 31 March and 1 April in Utrecht. Some more details:

We hope to see many of you in Utrecht!

Maintenance announcements


Start date and time (CET)

End (CET)



LINDAT: Power outage, replacing UPS

13-02-2020 17:00

13-02-2020 17:30

The LINDAT/CLARIN services will be unavailable.

More information: see