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Centre news vol. 46 - November 2019

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

New C centre: CLARIN-IS

The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies in Reykjavík is now registered as an official CLARIN C-centre. The corresponding metadata can be found in the Virtual Language Observatory.

Updated CLARIN discovery service to support eduGAIN

The new version of the CLARIN discovery service has been released today. The major changes are:

  • Support for Internet Explorer 11.

  • Better categorisation of the Identity Providers per country, based on the registration authority (federation) first rather than on a geo-lookup of the IP address. Geo-lookup of the IP address is still used as a fallback.

  • Optionally, support for all Identity Providers in eduGAIN.

If you are currently already using the discovery service, no changes are required.

If you want to enable login to your Service Provider from both the Service Provider Federation and eduGAIN, please:

If you have questions on this topic, feel free to ask them via spf [at] (spf[at]clarin[dot]eu) 

New release of the CLARIN Identity Provider

A new version of the CLARIN Identity Provider will be launched on Monday 18 November. Most important change is the introduction of a simpler account review procedure: the email address verification will be combined with the approval message. For existing user accounts, nothing will change.

New version of the Language Resource Switchboard

Version 2.1.1 was launched yesterday. See what has changed or try it out yourself!

Security issue in SimpleSAMLphp

About a week ago, a security issue was found in SimpleSAMLphp. If you are using it, please make sure to install the latest version.

Maintenance announcements


Start date and time (CET)

End (CET)


Identity provider update

2019-11-18 14:00

2019-11-18 15:00

Brief unavailability of

More information: see