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Centre news vol. 38 - May 2018

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Centre meeting: final agenda and updated venue information

The agenda for the centre meeting, taking place next week Monday and Tuesday, has been finalized:


TROLLing C-centre

The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) has now been included into the Virtual Language Observatory and – as a centre providing metadata – is therefore officially recognised as a CLARIN C-centre. Congratulations to our CLARINO colleagues!

Take a look at the TROLLing records in the VLO or at the TROLLing repository.


VLO 4.5 available for beta testing

A new version of the is currently available for testing at It contains a number of fixes and new features with a focus on adaptability, security, usability and stability as steps towards making the service fit for serving a broader and more diverse set of communities in the context of -hub (see milestone for details). The stable version is scheduled to be deployed to in the first half of July.

If you are interested in having a look and contributing to the quality of the VLO you are more than welcome to have a look and report any issues that you find, or send any other kind of feedback to vlo [at] (vlo[at]clarin[dot]eu). Thanks!


Maintenance and issues

As reported in the previous Centre News we have been replacing the SSL certificates for several of the CLARIN subdomains. The only remaining subdomain with the problematic certificate is - used to manage subscriptions to the CLARIN mailing lists. We hope to replace the certificate in the first half of June. In the meantime you can safely ignore the browser warning when accessing this subdomain.