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Centre news vol. 24 - February 2016

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Redundant setup for Discovery Service

The CLARIN Discovery Service is now running on two independent servers, with a failover setup. In practice this means that maintenance (restarting the server, updates, etc.) can be done while the service in question remains available. A similar setup is planned for the CLARIN Identity Provider.

New VLO beta version

The latest beta release of the Virtual Language Observatory is now available for public testing. It comes with an improved mapping of availability, licence and access information and a dedicated facet for the main availability levels (PUB/ACA/RES).

Some demonstration queries/pages:

A full changelist is available here. All feedback is welcome by mail to vlo [at] (vlo[at]clarin[dot]eu).

Infrastructure Overview and CMDI 1.2 specification

Two new important additions to the CLARIN wiki have been published:

CLARIN-PLUS documents

New specification documents are available:

Pre-announcement: Centre Meeting 2016

It is very probably the 2016 version of the Centre Meeting will take place on 10 and 11 May in Utrecht. More information will follow in the course of March, once the meeting venue has been confirmed.

Planned server maintenance

A recent security issue has resulted in quite a bit of server maintenance. Most of it is over now, but an overview of the maintenance slots is kept at