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Centre news vol. 23 - December 2015

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Italian users connected to federated login

As of today, the 71 Italian Identity Providers have been added to the Service Provider Federation. This means that all users with an account at one of these academic organisations can use federated login to access the password-protected CLARIN services, e.g. the recently added Corpuscle corpus analysis system.

CLARIN Identity Provider upgrade

Next Thursday (17 December) the CLARIN Identity Provider will be upgraded to Shibboleth version 3. The functionality will stay the same, as will the configuration for Service Providers administrators. Two things that will change are the URLs end users see when they login and the theming. If you have stored your email and password in your browser, it might be necessary to enter it again. A link to a help page about the CLARIN IdP will be added to the login screen.

B2SAFE tutorial material available

and CLARIN have organized a tutorial on the usage of B2SAFE in Utrecht on 7 December. All training materials, including video recordings of the presentations, are now available online.

CLARIN-PLUS specification documents

Three new specification (work plan) documents are available:

New CLARIN C centre: CoCoON

The French CoCoON centre recently registered as a C centre. Their language resources are available via the Virtual Language Observatory.