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Centre news vol. 21 - May 2015

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Upcoming Centre meeting: please register!

For the Centre Meeting at 28 and 29 May we would like to remind you to register before next Friday. After that date we cannot guarantee there will still be places available. As part of the agenda depends on preferences indicated by participants we will also provide an updated agenda by the end of the week.

New service: OAI validator

Thanks to the CLARIN-PL colleagues, there is now a mirror available of the OAI repository explorer. As the original is often unavailable or slow, we hope this can be useful for centres preparing the centre assessment and the assessment committee.

Updated Centre Registry

Version 2.1 brings an improved interface and many small bug fixes. Thanks to Sander Maijers (MPI-PL) for the hard work on this!

Updated Content Search engine


The (federated) content search engine has been updated again, mainly with interface improvements. Credits go to Emanuel Dima (Tübingen) for the huge amount of improvements. As of May Leif-Jöran Olsson (Språkbanken) will take over the development at the Content Search.

Uniform and sustainable URLs for CLARIN applications

Sometimes web applications are relocated to another server, breaking the URLs. At we provide aliases that are guaranteed to also work in the future. On a slightly longer term CLARIN plans to provide uniform and stable URLs for all of its web applications, as part of a broader branding and infrastructure plan.

CLARIN services available to Swedish users

Since last week, all CLARIN services with federated login are also available to the Swedish academic community. First tests indicate that the connection via eduGAIN (Sweden is the only opt-out federation in a CLARIN member state) works well.