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Centre news vol. 20 - April 2015

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

New CLARIN members

Recently, both Portugal and Greece have joined CLARIN. A warm welcome to our new consortia and centres!

New B-centres

Huygens ING and Talkbank have been awarded the B-centre status. Congratulations!

Recent server issues

On Thursday afternoon and the CLARIN mailing lists were unreachable due to firewall issues at Utrecht University. Since 21:20 the services are available again.

During the Easter weekend the server became unresponsive. The problem was superficially solved on Easter Monday, and since Wednesday the server has been reorganised to ensure a higher stability. As a result the harvesting times have slightly changed and the CMDI-to-RDF service has been disabled temporarily. It will be migrated to a separate machine later on. In the meantime we are looking into migrating the services on this server to a faster (and more modern) server.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

An updated discovery service

Yesterday the CLARIN discovery service was updated. This release brings improved support for multilingual organisation names (Helsinki/Helsingfors, Cologne/Köln, etc.) and better geolocalisation. If you have further suggestions or remarks please send them to spf [at] (spf[at]clarin[dot]eu).

Fresh software: a new VLO, (Federated) Content Search and Centre Registry

The has recently been updated - read all about it here. Related updates were made to the language code information pages and the Google Earth overlay (information about the CLARIN centres is now directly loaded from the Centre Registry).

Since Monday, the beta version of the Content Search engine is also available for testing. A blog with more details will soon follow. Please send your feedback to fcs [at] (fcs[at]clarin[dot]eu).

Already available since a few months, but not yet announced via this channel, is the newest version of the Centre Registry. Read this archived blog article for its function, background details are available here.

Standards Committee meeting

Today the Standards Committee met in Vienna. In the course of next week a document will be distributed to the centre committee and all centres with a proposed description of supported standards in CLARIN.