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Blog post by Jozef Misutka: Adding KonText to CLARIN.SI

Submitted by Linda Stokman on
Blogpost by Jozef Misutka from Czech LINDAT/CLARIN who received a CLARIN Mobility Grant in October 2017 to visit the CLARIN.SI team at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


On the 26th and 27th October 2017 I visited the CLARIN.SI team at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia via a CLARIN mobility grant. While some minor issues with the CLARIN.SI installation of clarin-dspace repository were discussed, the main purpose of the visit was to add the Czech concordancer KonText to the CLARIN.SI services. KonText, built on the Manatee back-end, supports sign-in, Federated Content Search and direct linking to and from the clarin-dspace repository, making it an ideal candidate for a fully integrated CLARIN service. During my stay we installed the latest version of Manatee and KonText, fixed various configuration problems and incompatibilities between the CLARIN.SI KonText virtual machine and the KonText platform, and mounted most of CLARIN.SI corpora on this platform. The site is now up and running and offers over 40 different corpora, from historical language to the language of social media, and from parallel to speech corpora. While the majority of the corpora are of Slovene language, CLARIN.SI offers also Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Japanese, English, Italian, German and French ones.