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The Bazaar at the CLARIN Conference 2015

Submitted by martin.wynne@b… on

Do you have a cool new CLARIN webapp or software application that you want to demonstrate? Are you looking for collaborators for a new research project? Have you had a good idea for user engagement? Have you been experimenting with a new approach? Then sign up for the CLARIN bazaar!

The CLARIN bazaar will be an informal space on the Friday afternoon at the CLARIN Annual Conference where you can meet people from other centres and countries, find out about their work in progress, exchange ideas, and talk to people about future collaborations. Usually these interactions happen at the conference in the breaks and in the evenings, but often the time and the space available make this difficult, and it's hard to find out what others are doing, and to know who to talk to. This year we will experiment with a new way to provide opportunities for discussion and sharing information, by allocating a specific slot in the programme. The bazaar will provide an informal setting for conversations with CLARIN people, and space to show your work to colleagues on their laptop computer, and distribute handouts and leaflets.

Please sign up if you want to have a 'stall' in the bazaar. All participants in the CLARIN Annual Conference are expected to attend the bazaar, so it should be a good opportunity to disseminate your work and to find interested parties. All stall-holders will give a title, name of the person (or persowho will be there, and a short description of the purpose and nature of their stall, to be published and made available to conference participants.

What's the difference between the bazaar and a conference presentation or poster?

Oral and poster presentations are intended to be for reporting on significant CLARIN-related work which has been completed, or in which substantial progress has been made. Bazaar places can be used for work in progress, sharing experiences, ideas and visions, planning, and for demonstrating smaller outputs of CLARIN work. A place in the CLARIN bazaar is not a formal presentation, and submissions are not formally peer-reviewed. Stalls are open only to participants whose registration for the conference has been accepted.

To sign up for a stall at the Bazaar, please use this webform.