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Calls & Funding

On this page you can find all CLARIN funding opportunities, as well as information about additional support that CLARIN can offer researchers preparing project proposals for EU-funded projects.


CLARIN offers funding to address strategic priorities that require international collaboration, exchange of expertise, training or mobility. If you would like to suggest a new topic for which funding may be beneficial, please get in touch.


Teaching with CLARIN

This call aims to showcase the efforts made by teachers, lecturers and trainers throughout the CLARIN network to meet the current education needs.

Trainer Network Programme

We invite applications for participation in the CLARIN Trainer Network programme. The CLARIN Trainer Network is a group of experts who carry out training events at relevant summer schools, conferences, COST Actions, etc. 

Mobility Grants

These are grants for researchers who would like to learn how to use a resource or tool developed at a CLARIN centre, or would like to learn how to integrate a resource or tool they have developed into the CLARIN infrastructure. They can also be used to set up a teacher exchange or teacher training programme. 

Practical Support for EU Proposal Preparation 

This is designed to support members of the CLARIN network who intend to prepare project proposals for Horizon Europe and other EU-funded projects on topics that are of strategic relevance for CLARIN. Support can include networking, documentation and assistance writing the proposal, facilitating compliance with Open Science and FAIR Data Requirements, as well as the dissemination and communication of the project’s results. CLARIN Seed Grants can assist with the costs of preparing a proposal.