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National Consortia

The majority of operations, services and centres of the CLARIN infrastructure is provided and funded by CLARIN ERIC members, as well as observers. Members and observers can be countries or intergovernmental organisations. They set up a national consortium, typically consisting of universities, research institutions, libraries and public archives, of which at least one has the status of CLARIN centre (see overview of CLARIN centres). All members and observers create and provide access to digital language data collections, digital tools and expertise.

All consortia and third parties adhere to the same criteria for data and services interoperability, access conditions, quality of data and services. Interoperability is ensured through the standards adopted in the CLARIN framework. The access to data and content is in principle sustainable and in accordance with the principles of open science. Members and observers have a large degree of freedom to decide what they contribute to the CLARIN infrastructure. 

Below is the list of current CLARIN members, observers and third parties, with the links to their national consortia. The national coordinators meet regularly in the National Coordinators' Forum. Each member country is also represented by a delegate in the General Assembly of CLARIN ERIC.

If you would like to get in touch with a national consortia, please contact the relevant National Coordinator.

Members National Consortium (NC) Leading NC Partner
Belgium CLARIN BE Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (INT)
Bulgaria CLaDA-BG Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Croatia HR-CLARIN University of Zagreb
Cyprus CLARIN-CY Digital Heritage Research Lab (Cyprus University of Technology)
Czech Republic LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Charles University Prague
Denmark CLARIN-DK University of Copenhagen
Estonia CLARIN Estonia Center of Estonian Language Resources
Finland FIN-CLARIN University of Helsinki
Germany CLARIN-D Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache, University of Mannheim
Greece clarin:el ILSP-ATHENA Research Center
Hungary HunCLARIN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics
Iceland CLARIN Iceland The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Italy CLARIN-IT Institute for Computational Linguistics A. Zampolli, Italian National Research Council
Latvia CLARIN-LV Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia
Lithuania CLARIN-LT Vytautas Magnus University
The Netherlands CLARIAH-NL KNAW Humanities Cluster
Norway CLARINO University of Bergen
Poland CLARIN PL Wroclaw University of Technology
Portugal PORTULAN CLARIN University of Lisbon
Slovenia CLARIN.SI Jožef Stefan Institute
South Africa SADiLaR North-West University
Spain CLARIAH-ES Basque Center for Language Technology (HiTZ)
Sweden SWE-CLARIN Språkbanken
Observer National Consortium (NC) Leading Partner NC
Switzerland CLARIN-CH University of Zurich
United Kingdom CLARIN-UK Oxford University